Interview with an Expat

This is my dear friend Janice B. She is a sassy stylish expat who is rocking her natural hair journey in Ontario, Canada. Before going natural, she'd had relaxers since childhood along with lots of heat and weave styles. After relaxers, her mom would hot comb her hair and as Janice grew up she started flat ironing it herself. Janice started to consider going natural when she realized she was not immune to her family's hereditary female hair loss. In her twenties, she could see that her hair was starting to thin as well. By this time all of her friends were natural but she felt she couldn't pull of the afro-look. However, she knew she needed to make a change for the health of her hair. "I needed to start taking care of my hair" . So she began doing tons of research which opened up a whole world of natural hair possibilities. "Now Love is in the Hair because It Is Beautiful" -Mr. B (Janice's Hubby) Janice is absolutely in love with her na...