Natural Hair Challenge: Bridesmaid Edition

I had never been a bridesmaid. I had been a hostess, food server, personal assistant and directress but never a bridesmaid…That is until the Summer of 2012. But this story starts a few months earlier in December. I get a phone call from one of my best friends saying that she is getting married in August. This news began a sequence of events that would result in not only her getting married but also my Grandfather in September and my little brother in October. And yes, as you guessed, all three asked me to be in their weddings. Anyone who has ever been a bridesmaid knows that it takes a lot of your time, resources and patience. I, who truly admired Katherine Heigl’s character in 27 Dresses (because I am like her in many ways), was up for the challenge or so I thought… Another challenge I faced was my resolve to wear my hair natural for each event. I officially went natural in October 2011. It is very important for me to continually embrace the New Me and my New Hair (I call my ...