3 Months...

Kelly Clarkson has this song called "Sober". In the song, she talks about how after three months she's still winning her battle* but how it's a continual struggle. One that will never really end. That's how I consider life. Just when you've mastered/balanced one aspect, another challenge comes tumbling your way. In the end though, the most important thing is how do you handle it.

Well it's been three months since you've heard from me. And a lot has definitely happened. I went to Argentina, came back, had to find a new job, was in a car accident, had to do physical therapy, turned a year older, and million other things. How'd I handle it all? Well, I'm still here. I've somehow managed to maintain my weight. I'm learning my new job and my shoulder feels a whole lot better. I'm still surviving, I'm still moving forward. How about you?

*In an interview, Kelly Clarkson says that the song is not specifically about drugs or alcohol. It's talking about whatever struggle a person may face.


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