February's New Year

So I got this idea in January that I'd begin my 2016 year on February 1st. I'm not sure if the idea came from my job (the fiscal year) or what. But I will say it worked out pretty well and here's why: You warm up to the new year and avoid getting a life cramp . Yes, life cramps are as painful as they sound*. So the ball drops and you are off! But if you haven't taken the time to 1.) train for the event and 2.) warm up before the event^. Chances are you won't finish in first place or at all. So in order to avoid the dreaded life cramps, I've designated January as my goal planning month. I mean in November and December, I've already figured out what I want my new year to be like. But there can be a huge disconnect between wanting to spend less money and having a game plan for how you'll stick to your budget. So I'll keep y'all posted through 2016 to see if my "February New Year" plan is as beneficial as I hope :) * It's whenever yo...