Bangs, Bangs and More Bangs!

I have always had a thing for bangs. I just love them! So I was so physed this week when I realized I could once again rock bangs with my hair kinky!

It all started when I decided to take my Bob Marley twists/braids (I will talk about that more in a later post) out earlier then anticipated. Since there were still a couple more days till wash day, LeLola was definitely all "stretched" out with no place (or style) to go. So I used the opportunity to try a style NaturallyLazy had just shared with me. You basically just start from the center of your head and flat twist (medium-sized) your hair out. Then you roll the ends. In the morning, you get up and undo everything (carefully!). And TaDa!

So I look into the mirror and I tell myself not to get to excited. I have been down this road so many times before. I start off with a bang and then an hour later my "bang" is standing straight up on my head. So sad. This time however it stayed! I think the extra stretching and the fact that my hair is slowly getting longer helped out. Also, I have learned the art of tricking LeLola into a bang using flat twists. ~Disclaimer: I have no idea why this worked and it probably work for me or anyone else EVER AGAIN : )
Instead of flat twisting the "bang" hair down, twist it to the side.
When undoing the twists, carefully pull down.

Day 1
Day 2 (Used Opposite Day Trick)

Being able to do a hairstyle with bangs is a sign that my hair is growing and the my styling techniques are improving (Yay!). I am sure you have had moments similar to this. I would love to hear about them.


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