
Showing posts from April, 2020

Pregnancy Funnies

**Originally Posted in My Birth Group back in December** STORYTIME: I am a naturally clumsy person and everyone knows this about me. During this pregnancy I have stumbled a few times but I always catch myself. And of course I move around cautiously at all times.  This past weekend my family rented a lakehouse at a nearby state park so we all can chill and take some professional family photos. We arrive and of course it's drizzling rain when it was supposed to be sunny. My dad,  husband and brother are unloading the cars so my sis-in-law and I take our dogs around back to patio because they aren't allowed inside the lakehouse. We are taking our time,  being careful and for once our pups are being complete angels when WHAP! I slip on a slick area in the yard (there was red clay hiding under the grass). I didn't even register I had fallen until I was on the ground and my whole body connected including my head. My sister-in-law is yelling if I'm okay and my puppy sits down ...

1 Week Postpartum

Miss Ayla is Here! She's actually been here for over a week but it's taken me awhile to post since I've been preoccupied with learning how to take care of a newborn. However I wanted to give everyone an one week postpartum update. Disclaimer: The new mommy brain has hit me hard so the only way I could do this in a timely fashion is turning my real responses from text conversations with friends into sort of a self-interview. So here goes... How are you doing? I won't sugar coat it: the healing process is rough but the adorable baby makes it all feel a little better.  Are you glad to be home from the hospital?  Yes! I got out of there as soon as possible. They let us go Sunday morning (less than 2 days postpartum). I'm grateful that my mom is staying with us a few nights to help out like they sort of do in hospital.  Were the first few days of healing as rough as people say?  Everyone has a different experience but for me... I don't know how second kid...