1 Week Postpartum

Miss Ayla is Here!
She's actually been here for over a week but it's taken me awhile to post since I've been preoccupied with learning how to take care of a newborn. However I wanted to give everyone an one week postpartum update.

Disclaimer: The new mommy brain has hit me hard so the only way I could do this in a timely fashion is turning my real responses from text conversations with friends into sort of a self-interview. So here goes...

How are you doing?

I won't sugar coat it: the healing process is rough but the adorable baby makes it all feel a little better. 

Are you glad to be home from the hospital? 

Yes! I got out of there as soon as possible. They let us go Sunday morning (less than 2 days postpartum). I'm grateful that my mom is staying with us a few nights to help out like they sort of do in hospital. 

Were the first few days of healing as rough as people say? 

Everyone has a different experience but for me... I don't know how second kids are even a thing lol. My mom says the hormones clouds your memory of the pain and the bad parts. 
Some advice: Follow the nurses' instructions for "down there" care and be sure to take the samples home of the mesh undies, jumbo pads, Tucks wipes etc if possible so you'll have some extra until a helper can get more... Oh and stay on top of your pain meds for at least the first few days.

Are you in pain now?

Yeah but now it's more an uncomfortableness rather than pain with the meds.

Any advice for those in their third trimester and are sick of waiting?

I definitely know the feeling! But try to use these last few days to prep, organize and/or write yourself notes. Because once baby gets here, your only priorities will be taking care of them (mostly feedings) and taking time to fuel and heal yourself.

How's breastfeeding going? 

It can be tough because you want to make sure she is getting enough especially those first few days when all you have is a little of the colostrum coming out. When in hospital remember the nurses are there to help. When you get home, you'll have to find what works best for y'all. Ayla is very strong-willed and always tries to latch on her own and then gets really frustrated when it doesn't work. So we are working on that. However my milk is finally starting to come in so that helps a whole lot. 

Does it hurt? Are you pumping too? 

If Ayla is latched correctly, it doesn't hurt me. My boobs are a little sore but I think that's more my milk starting to let down. I have only tried pumping once so far but it was the day after Ayla was born so much of nothing came out lol. Breastfeeding can seem scary but there are lactation consultants at the hospital and doctors' office if you are having a lot of trouble learning. Yes, it's a learning process. My mom says both baby and you have to learn to feed together.


It seems that after a week things become a little more manageable... We sorta have a feeding routine (boobs or baby will tell me when it's time) and I'm still healing up. Emotions are still all over the place though, Mr Madrid has learned to just ignore my outbursts or pat me on the back and say "How can I help you or baby?" I'm trying my best to keep up with my mental well-being through all this. As someone who has suffered from depression and anxiety for years, I'm very aware of the possibility of me developing postpartum depression. I believe the most important thing is to acknowledge how you are feeling and get help when you need it.

I hope to post more content soon. Until then be careful and stay safe.



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