Pregnancy Funnies

**Originally Posted in My Birth Group back in December**

STORYTIME: I am a naturally clumsy person and everyone knows this about me. During this pregnancy I have stumbled a few times but I always catch myself. And of course I move around cautiously at all times. 

This past weekend my family rented a lakehouse at a nearby state park so we all can chill and take some professional family photos. We arrive and of course it's drizzling rain when it was supposed to be sunny. My dad,  husband and brother are unloading the cars so my sis-in-law and I take our dogs around back to patio because they aren't allowed inside the lakehouse. We are taking our time,  being careful and for once our pups are being complete angels when WHAP! I slip on a slick area in the yard (there was red clay hiding under the grass). I didn't even register I had fallen until I was on the ground and my whole body connected including my head. My sister-in-law is yelling if I'm okay and my puppy sits down next to me like "Mommy, Whatcha doing?" 😂 I am stunned and can't speak so I pick the one of 2 options for any pregnant woman in shock (you laugh or you cry). And I start dying laughing and pee myself a bit. My brother rushes over to help me up and treats me like an elderly woman, guiding me to the house. But I have red clay smeared all in my jeans,  shirt and shoes and the photographer is on the way! I still can't stop laughing as we enlist the help of my mom to distract my grandmother while I sneak into one of the bedrooms. There I had to bend over the bed while my mom and sis-in-law vigorously scrubbed the back of my jeans with wet wipes until they were no longer red just extremely wet.  My mom had brought extra tops because she's amazing like that and my dad had bought us all matching shoes to change into so the only concern was my only pair of maternity jeans and my hair (which had gotten wet as well). The photographer, my husband nor my grandmother noticed anything up with my appearance so all in all crisis averted! 😂 I love my family so much and as I said I am fine... Just a little sore in the hips and back this morning. 

Hope some of you got a giggle out of this :) 
* I'm the one (2nd from the right) with the water stain on my bottom lol


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