World Breastfeeding Week 2020

My Mom Rocking Baby Back to Sleep

I want to give a shout-out to my mother during World Breastfeeding Week. She is an inspiration in many ways but here I will share just two:

1) My mother breastfed me until I weaned myself. I was sensitive to cow's milk (lactose intolerance) even as a newborn so my mom simultaneously breastfed and pumped when she returned to work. Non-milk formulas weren't as perfected back then as they are today. She would rush over to my grandparents' house on her lunch breaks to nurse me. And then she did it all again for my brother soon after. She is definitely a superwoman in my book.

2) My mother 100% supported me on my breastfeeding journey. In honor of postpartum traditions around the world (and in accordance with Covid-19 shelter-in-place laws) she stayed with us for the first 2+ weeks. When my little one woke up hungry but was too fussy to latch correctly, she was there helping me position. When I could not sit or lie down because of pain from my perineal tears (yes! Multiple 😭), my mom would stand with me holding her granddaughter while I breastfed her. If it wasn't for my mom's compassion and support, my breastfeeding journey with my daughter would have come to an end too soon.

Today, we are 4 months in and each day is a challenge but I remind myself that being able to breastfed my baby is a privilege and blessing. Not every mama gets this opportunity, so I am eternally grateful. 

Pregnancy, Postpartum and Motherhood looks so different nowadays. I'm so proud of each and every one of y'all out there MAKING IT WORK!

Much Love, AM


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