Budget vs. Eating Healthy (cont.)

So, is it possible to eat healthy on a budget?
My answer is “Yes!” and here are my tips to make it happen:

1.) Picnic Time: In many places, the weather is slowly warming up. Pretty soon there will be someone somewhere grilling out every weekend. An invite can be a perfect opportunity to eat healthy for cheap. This is how it plays out: You bring a bag of chips (preferably a kind you do not like) or a simple dish. Then you head for the salad, other veggies, fresh fruit and grilled chicken. Perfect! And if you want to splurge a little, this is a perfect opportunity. Just make sure that before or after visiting the food tables, you head to the volley ball court or soccer field to burn the extra calories. The food part also works for inside get-togethers. Play living room soccer at your own risk.

The Buddy System-
Korean Style

2.) The Buddy System: Nowadays, many sit-down restaurants serve gigantic portions. More bang for your buck, right? Yes, and that doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. Try eating at restaurants that are accepting of (even encourage) plate sharing. Some restaurant options are: Korean, Indian and Tapas. All you need to do is split the plate and the bill (or if it’s a frequent Lunch Buddy you’re dining with, try alternating who pays). If you are doing the solo thing, ask for a to-go container as soon as the food comes. Make sure to immediately box up half of it. Out of sight, out of mind.

3.) Try Something New: Let me start this tip by saying: I love Smart Ones! But if you are into quick frozen meals like me, you’ve probably noticed while perusing the frozen food aisles, your favorite dinners aren’t always on sale. Well, it’s ok to try something new, whether it is a new product or one that just happens to be on sale. Make sure, though, that price isn’t the only thing you compare. I usually just hold my fav product and the new one side by side to compare size and nutrition: calories, carbs, fat, fiber, and protein. You might just find a new favorite. Mine: Healthy Choice Top Chef CafĂ© Steamers Honey Glazed Turkey and Sweet Potatoes

4.) Down-Sized Fast Food: So you are out and about running errands, when your tummy starts to rumble. Uh-oh! You left all your healthy snacks at home (or on the super market shelves because you are low on funds). You look up and you see the Golden Arches. Have you ever noticed how simple it is to super-size your order? Well, the same is true for down-sizing. Look to the Value Menu and identify high calorie, fat, and/or sodium content ingredients that can be left out of your meal. “I would like to order a small…without the mayo/ cheese/ added salt.” It may take a little more time for your order to be up but it will be fresh and you’ll be guilt-free. I actually have planned out meal options for several fast food places, for emergencies.

Well, that’s all I have for now. Do you have any suggestions for eating healthy on a budget? If so, please share below. Thanks!


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