Reflection: Love

I found this tucked away somewhere and wanted to share:

"So, lately I have been working on the quality of LOVE. Love of one’s self that is. Which is really hard for me because, as you know, I can be hard on myself. But I have been trying to be content and yet not complacent (also it’s hard for me to stay balanced). So we shall see what happens. BUT I AM learning: if I can be acceptant of myself, then it will be easier for me to accept others (their good parts & not-so-good parts). See it’s all about LOVE."
November 2011
So, more than a year later, how am I doing with this self-challenge?
To be content and yet not complacent? I must say I feel I am on the right track. For instance: Since then I have accepted Lelola (my hair) and my body. I have also come to the conclusion, that I can be balanced and make healthy changes.
To be acceptant of my flaws as well as others? I look back and see that I held very high standards across the board. Standards that even I would frequently fall short of. This made disappointment a constant companion. In truth, it will take some more time before I can completely work out these issues. But that is why I think the quality of Love is so essential. It has allowed me to get to know and value the person, instead of focusing on their short-comings (myself included).
It may be a work in progress but at least I am making progress... Thanks to Love!


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