Naturalite Ambassadors

As I prepare for any special event, a sort of anxiety creeps in. For the most part it's not about my outfit or my accessories. Or even about the event it's self. It is my hair! I will spend hours and hours on YouTube, blogs and Google searching for the perfect hairstyle (and how to recreate it).

Let me explain my theory: I feel like all naturalites are sort of like Ambassadors. When we go out into the world, we can either create a positive or negative image of the term "being natural". Now with this being said, I am a reasonable person and understand we can't always put our best foot forward (I know I don't). So the compromise: making sure my hair is as fly as possible on special occasions and trying to keep it as deceit as time allows on regular days (which at times I also fall short of).

With all this being said, I will let you know how this weekend's special event hair-do comes out.

Also please let me know your thoughts on the subject!


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