2 Months Ago...

I wrote this on 2/15/13:

If you didn't already know, I joined WW two weeks ago, in an effort to get myself on track with a healthy lifestyle. I am a planner, so I completely love that I need to loosely plan what I will eat each day. I also love that I still get to make my own choices but I get the guidance I need to make the right choice. To me, it's like having an electronic Nutritionist (for only part of the cost). It is weird-in just two weeks I'm learning portion-control, self-control and what foods are really healthy. And it hasn't been a very dramatic thing. I mean my changes have been dramatic but switching to a portion-controlled, healthier diet hasn't filled my days with more drama then usual.
1.) I feel I have more energy, even after running out of my Vitamin B tablets.
2.) I may have already loss some weight (not quite sure, since I just got my scale).
3.) I feel better about what I am eating.


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