1st 5K Lessons

Mistake #1: I Should Have Gotten to The 5K Earlier

Even though I got there 45 minutes or so before the start time, everything just felt so rushed. Rushing to find parking, rushing to find the Registration table, rushing to pin my number on, rushing to the starting line, rushing to get turn my playlist and timers on. And of course, all of this rushing made me even more nervous.


Mistake #2: I Shouldn’t Have Let Nerves Get In the Way of Routine

Because I was so nervous, I didn’t take the time to properly stretch and warm-up. I mean I did do a leg stretch or two but that was about it. I paid for this dearly in the first mile. My calves cramped so bad, I could have cried. I was able to walk through it but after that I was only able to jog super-short distances.


Mistake #3: I Should Have Realized Sooner That I Should Just Have Fun

I did realize this after the first mile but until then I was completely miserable. When I realized that jogging as much as I would like was out of the question, I decided to turn my jams up (silently singing along) and enjoy the beautiful day (there was actually a breeze during the last mile). I was able to speed walk the last two miles with a couple of short jogs. I even full-out ran through the finish line : )


The “just have fun” strategy worked. I was able to beat my personal best of about 55 minutes (on treadmill) by 5 minutes! I really enjoyed the atmosphere of cheering people shouting encouragements. It made me even more proud that I had finished. I made it! And at the finish line was NaturallyLazy, along with others cheering me on, Gatorade and FOOD!


I was also really proud that I was able to manage my pace. This is something that I have had trouble with when jogging outside. I guess all the wide open space gets to me and I end up jogging/running much faster then I should be. For most of the 5K, I was able to keep a good steady pace. I also tend to be highly competitive, so I was afraid that I would at some point try to race people. However, I was able to keep my competitive urges at bay and just do my own thing (even when at one point a Granny with a cane passed me lol).


All in all, I had a really good time and am looking forward to the next 5K. I will probably do one sometime in September or October (which gives me plenty of time to work on beating my personal best). I have also been spreading the word along my friends and family, so hopefully some of them will join me next time.


Have you ever participated in a 5K? What was your experience? I look forward to reading your comments below : )



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