You Had A Bad Day!

So I have been having a rough few days. Nothing in particular is the matter; well I should say nothing new. It’s just every little thing seems to bother me. Now just so you know: One of my goals is to rise above the drama. Obviously this week, I haven’t been doing a good job of this. But I get the feeling things that will get better and here is why:

Today, I took a bit of time out of my schedule to Read, Run and Write. They are a part ofmy Mood Booster plan.

Read: Even though I don’t talk about reading much here, it is one of my favorite things to do. Most of the time, I am one of those Type A, introspective people.  So my mind is always going, trying to solve the next problem, trying to plan the next event, trying to figure out how I could have handled that situation better or just plain worrying that I’ve forgotten something. Reading sparks my imagination and gives me a break from analyzing my life. I am really into sci-fi right now. So it is always nice to take a break from the stresses of life and go fight aliens lol

Run: What can I say? You guys know that I love running. But have I ever explained what it does for me mentally? Well, there are actually two things (besides the endorphin boost). First, while running, it is extremely hard to focus on anything else. If my mind does wonder to my problems or to-do lists, I end up veering off the road, not breathing efficiently or not keeping up pace. Second, once I have finished running, I get such I confidence boost. I set a goal and then I worked my butt off to complete it. I feel invincible!

Write: Ok, the first two are mostly about distracting me from my unfixable problems. This one is more about coming to peace with them and myself. Many times just me figuring out what is “really” bothering me, lifts a weight from my shoulders. The way I see it I have two options: Muddle it over and over in my head until I am even more confused or empty all of my concerns out on paper, so I can make some sense of it all. Once I have clarified things, they don’t usually seem as bad.

Ok, I know that you’re probably saying “But AM, I hate running/reading/writing!” Well, that is absolutely fine. Take some time to come up with at least three activities* that can help you get your Contentment back.   It’s a good idea to even write out your individual Mood Booster plan and post it somewhere visible. So, next time you are having a crappy day, you can take a look at your plan and pick one of the items to do for at least 15 minutes. You’ll have a better outlook on life in no time : ) Btw You only have to do one (I just needed an extra extra dose today lol)

*In my opinion, activities that are basically free tend to work the best.


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