To Strength Train or Not To...?

So about a week or so ago, I'm doing my hair in the mirror and I notice something. I have a waist (again)! In middle and high school, I had a clearly defined waist. At the time, I felt like it was the only plus to having such a large top and bottom. Then as time went on, my defined waist slowly disappeared : ( 

I know getting it back should be really exciting for me (it was for a moment). But then I started stressing about how I was going to keep it this time.

You may or may not know that I have sporadically been doing strength training for my arms. But now my mind is buzzing, trying to find the best way to tone my body as I continue to lose weight. Running is good for burn calories and strengthening my legs. Dancing does the same while also developing my flexibility and balance. Stretching also helps with my flexibilty and balance. But I am definitely missing a puzzle piece!

Whether you are a strength-training guru or novice, please share what types of activities have worked best for you below. Thanks!


  1. Check this out! I found a very interesting WebMD article about toning activities:


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