Sweater Weather

I used to love fall and winter because you get to be bundled up. When you are wearing like five layers, it’s hard to tell where your clothes end and you begin. I would eat whatever I wanted and gained weight without anyone being the wiser. This year I am enjoying this season for a similar reason. Don’t be alarmed! I am still eating healthy and staying active. It’s just my appearance has really changed. I see it and everyone else does too. When I pass a mirror, I have to stop and check. “Is that really me?” And people are always commenting on my weight loss as well. At times it can be overwhelming. Don’t get me wrong, I love my new body, my newfound energy and everything else.  It is a lot to deal with mentally because when I picture myself, I still see the old AM. I am still trying to learn how to reconcile those two versions of myself. Until then, it’s nice to look lumpy again for a few hours a day. My only real concern is that I will subconsciously do things to make myself gain the weight back, so that I once again match that image. I’ll have to do some research and report back to you guys.
Till then stay motivated!


  1. I found this very interesting article on "phantom fat" that I wanted to share:


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