“No matter how well-meaning a person may be, Should they have the right to vocally judge your hair choices? And where does it cross the line from sharing an opinion to a form of bullying?” I’ve have been pondering the above questions written above for a while now. However, this post I will not be answering either question. Confused… it’s okay, just keep reading. I try to practice kindness and patience in my daily life... But some days I wish I was wearing a white t-shirt that said: “I really don’t need your opinion” in ALL CAPS, Red , and Underlined . On two separate occasions in the past few months, I have had someone come up to me and make unsolicited remarks about my hair. I try plaster a smile on all the while thinking this: If I am in fact having a bad hair day, then I already know it. If you were trying to be encouraging, you did not add any value or substance to my day so your mission has failed. If you were trying to make me feel ashamed of my hair or try to change me, ...