Hold On, Hurricane* Florence Is Here! - Part 2

So you guys... I am still stuck inside the house because of Tropical Storm Florence*. I took this extra time to catch up on some things and ended up deciding to dye my hair. I have dyed my hair years ago and it definitely has been a lot of trial and error. I needed a change from my Soft Black 4c tresses and ultimately a new challenge!

The process of permanently dyeing your hair, especially when your hair is natural, actually changes the chemistry of your hair. Along with the change in color, I already knew it would change the texture/curl pattern of my hair. A good reason for me to go with all over color instead of highlights.

I decided to go with Garnier Olia Deep Garnet Red. I knew I wanted something in the red family but didn't want to go too light. Every shade lighter you dye your hair from your natural hair color exposes your hair to more chemicals and possibly more damage. It actually came out looking more like a semi-permanent color rinse. Which was exactly the look I was going for!
I have a plan for switching it up when I want to be more adventurous (stay posted). Did I mention that one bottle was enough for all my hair?

Since dyeing your hair does dry out your hair, I mixed the Shea Moisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Hair Masque
with the Olia After-Color Conditioner. After rinsing, this left my hair feeling soft and moisturized. End Result: LeLola has a New Attitude and I achieved the Best Flat Twist-out Ever!

*The weather was still bad today and most places were closed.


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