"One Morning You Will Decide"

One Morning You Will Decide
One morning you will decide
that this is the day to escape:

time to load the car, leave
the madness and mayhem.

Soon we will drive along
mesas, snow-capped mountains,

along the Natchez Trace 
and the Appalachian chain.

Maybe we will leave the car
at the airport and fly to

that city on a cliff in Spain
you saw online or Vienna

where I will lure you to Sopron
and show you the family homestead.

Tell me when, my love, and I will
Get the bags from upstairs.

~ Arthur Turfa

Some times you want to run away. You feel the walls caving. Every tick of the clock, taking  you closer to the edge. You just have to get away... 
But most times in life you can't escape because: your inner demons will follow you wherever you go -or- you feel you can't physically zip off in a car or plane at the moment (like the subject of Arthur Turfa's poem quoted above).

When I reach that rock and a hard place, I want to Exude Energy... whether Creative, Intellectual, or Physical.

Lately, I have been wanting to run. Not away but run literally. I want to pound the pavement so hard that all my fears and stresses just melt away. I find myself daydreaming at work of tightening up my shoe strings and putting in my earphones and just taking off. Now I am not fast by a long shot or even jogging the whole time but... When I am moving forward and it takes all my senses, all my strength, all my thinking ability to push myself forward. 

I don't hear the clock, the quick sand as abated and I take back control... And that's how I truly Escape.  


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