Yesterday was the first day in two weeks that it wasn't rainy or soggy in the evening. So I decided to take my walk/jog outside (with friends). I was motivated and as rested as I can get but the workout was difficult. I mean really difficult. Inside: I had worked myself up to  35 minutes (walking about 5 minutes and then jogging 2 minutes easily). Outside: I could only jog about 1 minute without feeling like I was about to pass out. You guys should have seen me doing my best "Cathy" impression (arms flailing, panicked and perspiring). I chalked up the difficulty to the heat (even though the rain had cooled things down a bit). But after doing some research, I realized there were probably other factors besides the weather. These include: wind resistance, inclines and the asphalt surface. Because of this it is suggested that you at least partially train for a 5K outdoors so you can get used to the altered conditions. Today, I felt like I did after my first time jogging. The asphalt definitely made me put more impact on my joints but my new best friend "Ice Pack" is helping out with that.

Ok, enough with the negatives. Here's what I enjoyed: I loved the fact that I was able to take in the scenery. There is definitely something freeing about jogging outside. 

So in conclusion:
When you first don't succeed, try, try again!


  1. My legs are on fire today from walking yesterday. D:

  2. I agree! The soreness after doing a workout for the first time is the worst!But stretching well and actually doing the workout again, after you give yourself a day or two to rest, are the best ways to lessen the soreness.


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