Trimming Ends and Humidity Woes

So the deluge continues. I really don't mind the rain, besides that everything is soggy, you have to be cooped inside, the shift in barometric pressure makes me extra achy and what it does to my hair. I mean LeLola isn't in the habit of listening to me anyway. But when you add the fact that every drop of water makes my hair (in stretched state) shrink to less then a third of its length, you can quickly get a hair disaster! I have an event I am going to this weekend and I was planning on wearing my hair out. So now I'm scrambling for an effective humidity control product/process that LeLola and I can agree on. I will keep you updated on what I find. 

In other news, I finally gave LeLola a trim today. I wanted to share with y'all how I trimmed my hair this time:
1.) Wash and condition hair
2.) Two-strand twist hair
3.) Let hair dry
4.) Take the first twist in hand and determined where to trim by feeling at tip where hair is extra rough (because of damaged ends)
5.) Snip off damaged tip (this should only be a tad bit of hair)
6.) Untwist twist and detangle with a bit of conditioner
7.) Observe if you missed any strands
8.) Re-twist hair and snip off any missed damaged hair
9.) Repeat steps 4-8 with the rest of your twists*

*I use scrunched to keep up with my progress

I feel like this added step of untwisting and then re-twisting my hair allowed for me to find all the stragglers. This is a huge plus because usually I end up missing quite a bunch.

This may all sound like a lot but trimming your hair twice or three times• a year can help with maintaining healthy hair. 

•The number of times may vary depending on your hair situation.


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