Argentina- Entry 6

 Rosario del Sur ( Day 5)

January 14, 2014

Lo siento (Sorry)! Turns out my Monday rest day wasn't very quiet. So now I am even more behind with my journal entries. I will try to catch up today.


Saturday, I ate breakfast with my aunt and uncle and then tied-in through Skype to my Chinese weekend meeting in South Carolina. One of the brothers, in my group, gave his first public talk and he did a wonderful job. That evening, I went in service with Valeria, Diego and Evan (a brother from the Chinese group) who had started in the ministry that morning. We traveled to the South of Rosario. In South Rosario there are more houses rather than tall buildings. Valeria and I were able to place one of the new family tract with a Chinese lady. Her child wasn't listening to her, so I told the lady about the very useful teaching videos for children (ex. Listening to your parents) on the Jehovah Witness website: . Even though I gathered she does not believe in God, she seemed to appreciate that I could share information to help with her problems (the Bible's practical value). In the Chinese ministry here, like home, we have lists of houses and businesses where we suspect Chinese people to be. Then we drive from address to address searching for interested ones and are careful to take good notes for when we return. After completing field service, we stopped by to visit with Valeria's parents (Jose and Susanna). Even though I could not communicate with them without Valeria to interpret, I could definitely feel their hospitality. As we were leaving, they invited my aunt, uncle and me to dinner on Tuesday. How Sweet!

After service, Valeria and Diego took me to one of the shopping malls here to eat dinner. People in many parts of Argentina eat very late. We got to the food court about 10 pm and it was still buzzing with people. There were all sorts of people there: young people, older couples, families with small kids. Everyone! It is quite amazing. And, as I found out later, it is not just a weekend thing. I enjoy it though. Argentina is famous for its steak. I have had it a couple of times already and it's always wonderfully flavored (no steak sauce needed...or provided lol.


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