Retrospect Thursday
"The Art of Losing"
Loss. It comes in so many ways. A loved one, your mind, the game. Most people focus on the negative aspects of loss. But not all loss is horrible... Loss of weight, loss of a fear, loss of bad habits. Those are all good losses. What about the bad, you ask? Well when you lose the game, you still have learned an important lesson on strategy. When you've lost your mind, you are so low you can't fall any farther, so why not be brave? When you've lost someone you love because of whatever reason, are they really lost? You'll see them again. And in the meantime, when things become overwhelming and you feel if only that person were near everything would be better: Close your eyes, take a deep breathe and remember the person is never really gone. They've told, taught you so much and you may not think you were listening or that you've forgotten but you haven't. It's still there, they helped make you you. They love you and don't want you to be heartbroken for long. Because they want you to lose the sadness but keep the happy times and the lessons in mind always. And that my dear is the secret to loss. To cut out the ache and to keep the joys when thinking of those we can't hold near. And I pray that one day we learn to master this talent :)
*Written Thu, Jun 9, 2016*
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