Hair We Go Again!

Happy Monday!

I have been gluten-free for a week and I am making it work. Improvements: I only had one IBS episode last week (compared to my recent norm of three per week)! So needless to say, I am looking forward to the continued benefits.

Now, I’ve been back for a week and a half now and I’ve yet to mention anything about… MY HAIR! LeLola is doing well, thick and rebellious as ever =)

Last friday was Wash Day. My conditioner of choice right now is Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle Conditioner with Peppermint and Eucalyptus. It combats dry hair and scalp while leaving my hair smell deliciously fresh. I use it has a regular conditioner but also as a leave-in and it is a key ingredient in my home-made Refresher Creme recipe.

I also had the treat of ShakaLynn coming over and actually doing my hair for me. She went with the cute corn-row up-do pictured below. I’m keeping this style looking like new by using foam flexi-rods and wrapping it up with a silk scarf at night. Hopefully, I can get it to last until our trip to Daytona Beach this upcoming weekend.


So now I’m curious: Which hair products and/or tools are your go-to’s and why? Comment below↓


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