DIY Protein Deep Conditioner Recipe

I wanted to share this super simple deep conditioner recipe. Yes, it is kinda stinky but for me it is totally worth it. It conditions so well and even makes my hair more manageable. I used this yesterday because my hair was in obvious need of some TLC! 

1/2 cup of mayo
1 egg yolk (egg whites will harden hair)
1 to 3 tbsp of fave oil* (depending on desired consistency) 

*Mine is Neem Oil. It has a strong smell but works wonders with my hair. I will have to do a post just about the benefits of using it.

Mix the ingredients together and distribute evenly through clean hair. Massage scalp for a few minutes and detangle hair. Then put on hair cap and leave-in for at least an hour and at max a couple hours (that is all I could stand of the smell lol). Wash out mixture with cool water (so the egg doesn't cook! Also this helps to seal in the good stuff) and make sure you get it all out. Continue with your normal post-wash routine.

I hope this recipe works well for your hair too. But you know how everyone's hair responds differently so sadly I can't make any guarantees. 

If you are a DIY Natural Hair Mixologist or just happened to stumble upon something that works, please share the recipes below. Thanks!


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