Only as a GOOD as Her SHOES

Every site I've gone to while doing research about jogging has said that it is extremely important to have the right shoes. I was overwhelmed with all the information I found. Seriously! It took me a whole week of reading articles and blogs and comparing quiz results and shoe reviews before I formed an idea of what I needed.

I wanted to share some of the sites that helped me the most (in chronological order):
Finding the Right Running Shoes
Running Shoes Wizard (Quiz)
Running Shoe Recommendations-Based on Foot Type
How to Buy the Right Running Shoe

Ok, so my goal was to find shoes that were comfortable, affordable and over-all improve my jogging experience.

I've mentioned before that I use the Nexercise app to track my exercising. One of the perks is that you earn points, if you earn enough you can trade them in for coupons. So, I traded some of mine in for a $20 off coupon for Reebok. The plan was to use the coupon in purchasing my shoes online.

From my research, I found out that I didn't have flat feet or a high arch. So, I was looking for a neutral shoe that was light-weight and very cushioning. I decided on the Reebok RealFlex technology. All the websites I went to said that proper fit is important (something you just can't test when buying shoes online). Because of this, while I was out and about with a friend yesterday, we decided to stop by Academy Sports & Outdoors. This was my first time there and I was in awe. Not only did they have a large selection of workout clothes and equipment, they had a good selection of Reebok RealFlex shoes. I was able to try on different options and sizes (even walking/jogging in place to get the feel of them) until I found the perfect fit for me. I decided to go with the RealFlex Edge. I got half a size bigger then usual because when running/jogging your feet tend to swell. They were $40* and they came in Purple! I love them!

I came home and decided to take them for a spin that day. Sadly, because I got a slightly larger size, when I jogged my heel would sort of slip out the shoe. I thought I would have to give up my dream of cute, affordable, comfortable, purple running shoes...that was until I stumbled upon the website below:
As the name implies, the article talked about the different ways to lace up your shoes. Who knew that you could get a move customized fit based on how you string-up the laces?!? Obvisiously, it isn't a secret. But it isn't something that I, as a beginner, even thought of.

Now that I have shoes that fit me like a glove, all that's left is to train to finish a 5k.

*Versus the $50 I would have spent at after discount


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