Elimination Diet, Anyone?

I have decided to do a "modified" version  of the Elimination Diet. Today is my first day, although I've been toying around with the idea for a while. Even though, I eat much healthier then I did a year ago, I know many of the chemicals in the food in my diet are in no way helping with my Fibro woes. There is also a chance that I have other food allergies besides being lactose intolerant. That is where the Elimination diet comes in. It allows you to weed out those offending foods. How does it work? In the original Elimination Diet, you are supposed to cut out different types of foods all at once (see the "Exclude foods" on the chart below). Then after three to four weeks, add them back slowly to see which ones are the culprit. Now, y'all know me! I think if I were to cut out beef, eggs, gluten (most starches) and artificial sweeteners all at once, I would starve and then I would die (not from starvation but heartbreak). Also, I don't think I could remember all those no-no foods right off the bat. I mean this is day one and I've already forgotten like twice and eaten things prepared with margarine (SMH). Because of these things, I came up with my own version of the Elimination Diet chart. I will eliminate a few food groups per week. This way I can get used to the idea and figure out what I can actually eat (and not starve). The elimination process with last four weeks. Next, I will keep these foods out of my system for two more weeks just to make sure all traces are gone. Then for the next four weeks or so, I will introduce one food per day while monitoring for any reactions (within the next 48 hours). It is very important to keep a journal, in order to figure out which foods should be kicked out of your diet for good.
For my chart, I added a couple of other modifications, like which foods I already try to avoid for health reasons and which foods are recommended in the Fibromyalgia diet.

So, we will see how it all works out! I will keep y'all updated. 

I would love to get your thoughts on the Elimination diet and my modified version! Please post below!


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