Tracker Slacker

Hi Everyone!

I hope ya'll are having a Great weekend!

When I say that for the majority of September I did not lose any weight, I am not exaggerating. For every pound I lost, I'd gain two more. This reminds me of my old "dieting days". What was holding up my progress? For about three months now, I have been totally slacking in using my Weight Watchers food tracker app (which is even worse now that I am supposed to be recording what I eat for the Elimination diet). It is really easy to use but after months of being on the WW program, I guess I just got lazy. The first two months of me not using the tracker, I still did pretty good with staying on track. But in September things got stressful, so portion sizes and balanced eating was put on the back burner. Now, I didn't do horrible. I was able to maintain my weight (which gives me hope for the future). But I realize in order to continue my weight loss I definitely have to record what I eat, especially on those hectic days. 

This week, I have been doing better. Here is how:
1.) I set-up Meal Tracking reminders on my phone.
People say that my phone is permanently attached to my hand. I read, blog, keep in touch, research, and manage my life on my phone; why not set reminders for tracking? The Weight watchers app makes it extremely easy by just asking you when you'd like your reminders (located in Settings).

2.) Plug-in meal options before I eat. 
Along with helping me remember to track meals, this allows me to be more conscience of portion sizes and how many points certain food will cost me. It also helps me to stick to a plan. If I pretrack only piece of chicken, I am less likely to eat two pieces in one sitting. Of course if I'm still hungry after my first serving, I'll give myself about 30 minutes then re-evaluate my hunger.

Well, I will keep me updated on my progress.


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