My Next Jogging Goal
I realize that I haven’t written about my hair in a while. And I will really soon, I promise!
But right now, I want to update you on my next jogging goal!
My next 5k will be November 23rd! It is another evening race, so I guess I will have to mosey on down to Academy Sports soon to get a warmer running outfit (wink, wink). It is also a “Crit” (orcriterium style race). Trust me! I had to look up what that meant too lol. I now know it is a lap course usually in a city. This one will cover about 2 blocks. My first 5K was a flat route through shady (and normally quiet) neighborhoods. So I am definitely excited about trying a different type of course. I am also excited because I am pretty sure that some of my friends will be joining me this time. YAY!!!
My goal is to complete the course in less than 45 minutes (10 minutes faster than my first) and to jog a least half of the time. Which means: In total, I will have to jog at least 22.5 minutes. This seems a bit daunting but I have help training this time… the Couch to 5K Free app.
I love it but I must also say that it is challenging (which is what I need). It is very simple to use and it allows you to change your music from inside the app. A very nice lady tells you when to alternate from walking to jogging and you only have to do the session three times a week. The first session starts off with (after a warm-up) jogging for a minute and then walking for a minute and a half. The whole workout takes 30 minutes, including a 5 minute cool-down. By the end of the 8-week training program, you should be able to jog/run for the majority of a 5K. I am taking it a little bit slower because I don’t want to give my Fibromyalgia any extra reasons to flare-up.

So far, so good! I will definitely keep ya’ll updated. Prepping for an upcoming race? Please share your experience below.
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