ArtistMadrid Hairaversary!!!

First, let me say I know I have completely been slacking with my hair posts. I would like to apologize. Natural hair is why I started this blog in the first place. I am truly sorry to have neglected the topic. Because of this: I decided to have a Hairaversary!!! 

AM, what is a Hairaversary? 
Well, it is commemorating the anniversary of a natural hair goal or event. 

Alright but what is ArtistMadrid's Hairaversary all about? Good question. The end of October will be my 2nd anniversary of me being completely natural. Also November will be the first anniversary of this blog. So I thought why not combine the anniversaries and make one big Hairaversary! 

What will this Hairaversary involve and why is this post written in question and answer format?
To tell you the truth, I am warming up my interviewing skills because this month I will be interviewing some fabulous Naturalites and posting them here! I will also have great natural hair tips and products reviews. Oh and there may also be one or two surprises.

Sounds good. The only question left is when does it start?
It begins right now! So keep checking back or signup for our mailing list because we will be celebrating this awesome Hairaversary all the way through November : )


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