My Break-up Letter to Bread

Dear Bread,

I need for you to truly understand what I am about to say. I want to tell you that this isn't temporary and I'll eventually get over it. This is the end of our relationship. I remember there was a time when I thought I could not live without you. You were what kept me going through the day. I thought we had a good thing going. Then I came to the realization that our relationship was slowing changing. How come I never noticed before what a negative effect you had on me? Maybe it's my fault, maybe I've changed and you were always this way. But don't try to deny it. Within these past couple of weeks during our separation
, you too have seen me transform into a vibrant person who is full of energy and ready to tackle anything. I haven't been that way with you lately. We are more defined by the horrible fights we'd have, which would lead to me locking myself in the bathroom for hours. The internal distress is not worth it. I have to do what is best for me in the long run. I can't let you hold me back any longer. Of course, I will miss you dearly. I often reminisce of the wonderful times we had at the fair, the pizza place down the street,  and baking on Sundays. It seems now I see you every time I turn around: in TV ads, the grocery store, eating lunch with my friends. But I have made my decision. I am moving forward and I can't do that with you still hanging out at my place. This is really good-bye. I am sure you will find some nice girl somewhere who can tolerate all your parts. I am on the search for something better as well.

I wish you all the best,
Artist Madrid


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