Sinuses and Other News

Hi, I know I have practically been nonexistent this week. That was because I had a sinus infection which completely wiped me out during the middle of the week. I am feeling some better so I did attempt to workout yesterday. I also worked out on Tuesday (my new body weight circuit training routine). Now don't get me wrong, I am not usually that chick that works out while sick. However, it just started out as the sniffles. Also everything I read said as long as you can move around, breathe and don't have a fever go for it; but of course, take it slow and use good judgement. So I did scale back my routine a bit (2 circuits instead of 3). I must say my improved eating habits and staying active (along with some home remedies) seemed to help me bounce back quicker then normal. Another plus to eating right and exercising : ) 

Ok, I have two things I would like to tell you:

1.) I won't be able to participate in that 5k in November : ( Something has come up but I promise that I am looking for another one to replace it.

2.) I am 75% sure I have a sensitivity to gluten. I have to a little more experimenting with my Elimination Diet but that's what things are pointing to. More is soon to come with how things are going with that.

Until then stay GOOD!!! 

Please leave your fave home remedies below. Thanks!


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