Elimination Diet-Week 2 Reflections (Beverages, Dairy, Fruit)

The Rundown:
During week two, on top of not eating excluded foods in the fats, nuts, and veggies categories, I also took out certain dairy products, fruit and beverages. I could only drink water and herbal tea. I couldn't have citrus, bananas and a couple other fruits. I was supposed to have no dairy products but I made an exception with Greek yogurt*. How did I do? All in all, I did pretty horrible job. I started Friday with making a completely Elimination diet-approved meal (broiled fish, brown rice, honey roasted sweet potatoes and steamed broccoli). At that point, I felt like I could really make this work. But then being busy and temptation got in the way. Sunday, a friend of mine and I hosted a baby shower. I had started off saying I was going to just pack my own lunch/dinner but then time got away from me and I was stressed trying to make everything perfect. So by the end of the evening, I had not only ruined my diet but I had also over eaten (due to the fact I was nibbling). I had cheese, punch, too many cupcakes to count, chocolate, fried chicken, the no-no list goes on and on. Then on Monday, I attended a going-away party where the menu consisted of nothing but Chinese food and dessert. This time I didn't do as bad but I still blatantly ignored my diet. The rest of the week, I was so ashamed of what I had done that only ate crackers and vegetables (oh and a bag of Skittles).

The Benefits:
Well falling off the wagon taught me an important lesson. You eat crappy, you feel crappy. And that is exactly how I felt. Most of my new-found energy was zapped and I had this sick feeling for a couple days. After that I realized how important my eating is to, not only losing weight but also, me feeling better. I resolved that I would try harder to do a better job at fueling my body correctly.

The next major thing on my list to cut out is starches and any other products containing gluten. This is the one I have been most worried about. I will let you know how it goes.

2 weeks down, 8 to go!!!

*Even though I am lactose intolerant, I regularly eat Greek yogurt. They are many that complain this type of yogurt can help fight the effects of lactose intolerance.


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