NaturallyLazy Interview

NaturallyLazy started her natural hair journey over 3 years ago. Within that time, she has learned a thing or two about hair, transitioning and herself. You may know NaturallyLazy as a Guest Blogger here on this blog. She recently took some time out of her whirlwind traveling schedule to sit down with me to share some of these insights. 

How did you go natural? Did you transition long-term or just did the Big Chop?
I sort-of did a short-term transition from August to April. Then Big Chopped after 8 months.
Do you think you went natural for the right reasons?
Yes. The real reason was I was going to study abroad and I didn't want strangers in my head. I didn't do it for political or empowerment reasons. Those wouldn't have been the right reason.
While transitioning, were there times when you wanted to give up and go back to the creamy-crack? 
Probably but I can't really remember now.
What kept you motivated during your journey?
Curiosity, wanting to see how my hair would grow out. And knowing that if I got a relaxer and then changed my mind again, I would have to start the process all over.
Everyone's hair is different but we all get bad hair days. Could you share one of your "natural hair fail" stories?
Honestly, there are so many... Um but I will say hats have been involved in all of them.
Alright, could you share an experience of when you were disappointed in a product you bought then? 
Yes, Cantu Co-wash. It's supposed to be this magical stuff that you use in between real washes but it did not clean my hair at all. It actually made it worse. Granted, I probably didn't follow the directions of letting it sit on my hair and gently washing it out. Instead I just used it like a conditioner... But that's beside the point. 
What were your go-to styles and products while transitioning?
Bantu-knot outs made my hair really curly. And products.... Oil Sheen, water, any kind of cheap moisturizer I could find... And GarnierFructis conditioner. I love that stuff. 
If you had to make the decision to go natural again, would you?
Definitely! Being natural is cheaper, even though it is not easier. I get bored very easily. But natural hair is very versatile. And I don't have to spend 5 hours in a hair salon every four weeks.
How do you cope when you get negative responses about your hair?
Well, I take it into consideration: Maybe it's the style they don't like. Or it's more nappy vs defined that day. 
With the older generation that doesn't like natural hair, that is their opinion. I don't take personal offense to their comments. I keep on moving.
My final question: If you were writing a letter to your past transitioning self, what would you tell her?
You are doing the right thing. It's a very liberating experience and you will never look back. And you'll save $40 every two months... Unless you become a product junkie but who can afford that.

It was a pleasure talking with you. Thank you and I know that we all are looking forward to your next post : )


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